Addition of Money

Practice Unlimited Questions

1. Carol bought a burger. She also bought some fries. How much did she spend altogether?

addition of dollars and cents adding dollars and cents
Step 1: Add the cents.
10¢  +  35¢  =  45¢

Step 2: Add the dollars.
$3  +  $2  =  $5

Step 3: Add the dollars and cents.
$5  +  45¢  =  $5.45

She spent $5.45 altogether.

2. A carton of juice costs $2.55. A box of chocolates costs $11.45. What is the total cost of the carton of juice and the box of chocolates?

addition of dollars and cents adding dollars and cents
Step 1: Add the cents.
55¢  +  45¢  =  100¢ =  $1

Step 2: Add the dollars.
$2  +  $11  =  $13

Step 3:
$2.55  +  $11.45  =  $13  +  $1 =  $14

The total cost of the carton of juice and the box of chocolates is $14.

3. Add $12.35 and $9.75.

$12.35  +  $9.75  =  ?

This is another way of addition which is just like adding numbers.

Step 1: Add the cents.

adding dollars and cents
Step 2: Add the dollars.

money addition

So,   $12.35  +  $9.75  =  $22.10