Length Mass Volume: Real Life 1-Step Word Problems

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1. A dictionary has a mass of 1478 g.
A diary has a mass of 1872 g.
What is their total mass in kilograms and grams?

model diagram
1478 g  +  1872 g
=  3350 g
=  3000 g  +  350 g
=  3 kg  +  350 g
=  3 kg 350 g

Their total mass is 3 kg 350 g.

2. Chelsea's house is 8 km from the theme park.
It is 5 times as far from the water park as the theme park.
Find the distance between Chelsea's house and the water park.

model diagram
8 km   ×   5   =   40 km

The distance between Chelsea's house and the water park is 40 km.

3. A sack of wheat has a mass of 31 kg.
A sack of corn has a mass of 18 kg.
How much heavier is the sack of wheat than the sack of corn?

model diagram
31 kg   −   18 kg   =   13 kg

The sack of wheat is 13 kg heavier than the sack of corn.

4. Olivia has a plastic wrap of length 305 cm.
She cuts it into 5 pieces.
What is the length of each piece?

model diagram
305 cm   ÷   5   =   61 cm

The length of each piece is 61 cm.

5. Jeff had 218 ml of glycerine.
He had 71 ml less glycerine than Mia.
How much glycerine had Mia?

model diagram
218 ml  +  71 ml  =  289 ml

Mia had 289 ml of glycerine.

6. Taylor had 1000 g of brown rice.
He packed the brown rice into bags of 200 g each.
How many bags did he make?

model diagram
1000 g  ÷  200 g  =  5

He made 5 bags.
1000 ÷ 200 can be thought of as 10 ÷ 2.

7. Halle bought 4 m of gift wrapper.
She used 165 cm of it to wrap a gift.
What is the length of gift wrapper she had left?

model diagram
4 m  −  165 cm
=  400 cm  −  165 cm
=  235 cm
=  200 cm  +  35 cm
=  2 m  +  35 cm
=  2 m 35 cm

She had 2 m 35 cm of gift wrapper left.

8. A dispenser has a capacity of 3 l.
How many more millilitres of fruit punch are needed to fill the dispenser to the brim if the dispenser contains 340 ml of fruit punch?

model diagram
3 l  −  340 ml
=  3000 ml  −  340 ml
=  2660 ml

2660 ml of fruit punch is needed to fill the dispenser to the brim.