Addition of Numbers Within 10000

Practice Unlimited Questions

1. Binu has 2326 beads. Zara has 1272 beads. Find the sum of the number of beads they have.

finding the sum of numbers using the model method
Step 1: Add the ones.
step-by-step addition
6 ones + 2 ones
= 8 ones

Step 2: Add the tens.
step-by-step addition
2 tens + 7 tens
= 9 tens

Step 3: Add the hundreds.
step-by-step addition
3 hundreds + 2 hundreds
= 5 hundreds

Step 4: Add the thousands.
step-by-step addition
2 thousands + 1 thousand
= 3 thousands

The sum of the number of beads they have is 3598.

2. Hamza has 2837 cards. Farhan has 4177 cards. How many cards did they have altogether?

Grade 3, addition
Step 1: Add the ones.
addition step-by-step
step-by-step addition
7 ones + 7 ones
= 14 ones
= 1 ten 4 ones
Step 2: Add the tens.
addition step-by-step
step-by-step addition

1 ten + 3 tens + 7 tens
= 11 tens
= 1 hundred 1 ten

Step 3: Add the hundreds.
addition step-by-step
step-by-step addition

1 hundred + 8 hundreds + 1 hundred
= 10 hundreds
= 1 thousand

Step 4: Add the thousands.
addition step-by-step
step-by-step addition

1 thousand + 2 thousands + 4 thousands
= 7 thousands
They had 7014 cards altogether.

3. A shopping mall received 5962 shoppers on Wednesday and 2311 shoppers on Thursday. How many shoppers did it receive on the two days altogether?

Grade 3, addition
5962 + 2311 = ?
finding the sum of numbers using the model method
It received 8273 shoppers on the two days altogether.

4. Mr. Garcia earned $1750. Mrs. Yam earned $669. How much did they earn altogether?

Grade 3, addition
$1750 + $669 = ?
finding the sum of numbers using the model method
They earned $2419 altogether.