How to Subtract Decimals?

Practice Unlimited Questions

How to Subtract Decimals?

Step 1: Align the decimal points.

Step 2: Subtract the Ones.

Step 3: Subtract the Tenths.

See working examples below.

1. Bob has 0.3 kg of butter and Bill has 0.8 kg of butter.
How much more butter has Bill than Bob?

Subtract 0.3 and 0.8

0.8  −  0.3  =  ?

square metre or square meter
square metre or square meter
Bill has 0.5 kg more butter than Bob.

2. Bob has 0.8 L of milk and Bill has 2.3 L of milk.
How much more milk has Bill than Bob?

Subtract 0.8 from 2.3

2.3  −  0.8  =  ?

square metre or square meter
square metre or square meter
Bill has 1.5 L more milk than Bob.

3. Bob has 3.5 kg of flour and Bill has 2.67 kg of flour.
How much more flour has Bob than Bill?

Subtract 2.67 from 3.5

3.5  −  2.67  =  ?

square metre or square meter
Bob has 0.83 kg more flour than Bill.

4. Serena had $20 at first.
How much money had she left after spending $12.34 at a stationery shop?

Sum of money at first   =   $20.00
Sum of money spent   =   $12.34
$20  =  $20.00
Sum of money left   =   $20.00  −  $12.34
=   $7.66

She had $7.66 left.
square metre or square meter