Dear Parents, Teachers and Children,

Wish you a very happy 2013!!


We hope you found Home Campus useful during your learning journey in 2012. Thanks for your support through the beta version of HC in the past years. A new version of HC is here.

education is priceless

You'd all agree that education is not just invaluable but it is also priceless. This is why it has been near impossible for us, at Home Campus, to put a price tag to our offerings. So, starting 2013, we have left it to you to pay what you wish for using Home Campus.

Fees collected will help us keep Home Campus running, improve the website features and be accessible to under-privileged kids.

We look forward to your continued support in 2013.


Home Campus grew by leaps and bounds in the past year. Here's a summary of our major achievements in 2012:

  • Grades 4, 5 and 6 - all complete. You have everything you need on all topics for these grades including learning content, practice problems and tests.

  • HC Tests. Now, you can not only take tests but create them too. Find out which areas you are excelling in and which others need improvement.

  • HC Progress. Especially useful for parents and teachers, HC Progress is the tool you will need for a detailed insight into your child's or pupil's performance.

  • HC Goals. Another powerful tool for parents and teachers is HC Goals which allows you to set the learning objectives for your children and pupils so s/he can learn at his/her own pace.

FOR 2013

We have lots of new features and content slated for 2013. Our third and other lower graders can look forward to seeing learning and practice material readied for them soon. Stay tuned to HC on FB to hear the latest from us.

Also, do tell us what you would like to see in 2013.

drop us a line

Take care and have a fabulous new year! See you around!!

Yours sincerely,
Team @ Home Campus
Learn. Practice. Progress.

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