Time >> Hours Converter

How to Convert Hours to Days?

Hours to Days Converter:

Number of hours = 

24 hours  =  1 day

1 hour  =  1  ÷  24  =  0.04167 day

To convert hours to days simply divide the hours by 24 to get days.
Example 1: convert 55 hours to days.
Divide 55 by 24

Total days in 55 hours  =  55  ÷  24  =  2.29167

Hence, there are 2.29167 days in 55 hours.
Example 2: convert 6 hours to days
Divide 6 by 24

Total days in 6 hours  =  6  ÷  24  =  0.25 = quarter of a day.

Hence, there is 0.25 day in 6 hours.
Fun Fact:
One day on Jupiter takes only about 10 hours. It has the shortest day in the solar system. So to convert hours into days on Jupiter you need to divide hours by 10.

1 Hour  =

60 minutes

3600 seconds

3,600,000 milliseconds or 3.6 × 106 milliseconds

0.04167 day

0.00595 week

0.00137 month

0.000114 year

1.1416 × 10-5 decade

1.1416 × 10-6 century

1.1416 × 10-7 millennium

3.6 × 109 microseconds

3.6 × 1012 nanoseconds

3.6 × 1015 picoseconds

Hours to Days Conversion Chart