Length >> Meter Converter

How to Convert Meters to Feet and Inches?

Meters to Feet and Inches Converter:

Meters = 

1 meter  =  39.3701 inches

12 inches  =  1 foot
Example 1: convert 10 meters to feet and inches.
Step 1: Convert meters to inches.

   Multiply 10 meters by 39.3701 to get inches

   Inches in 10 meters  =  10  ×  39.3701  =  393.701

Step 2: Convert inches to feet and inches (if it is not completely divisible by 12)

   Divide 393.701 inches by 12 to get feet

   Feet and inches in 393.701 inches  =  393.701  ÷  12  =  32 feet and 9.7 inches

Hence, there are 32 feet and 9.7 inches in 10 meters.
Example 2: my height in meters is 1.8. How much is it feet and inches?
Multiple 1.8 by 39.3701 to get inches

Inches in 1.8 meters  =  1.8  ×  39.3701  =  70.866 inches

Convert 70.866 inches to feet and inches

Feet and inches in 70.866 inches  =  70.866  ÷  12  =  5 feet 11 inches

Hence, I'm 5 feet 11 inches tall

1 Meter  =

100 centimeters

1000 millimeters

0.001 kilometer

0.0006214 mile

1.09361 yards

3.28084 feet

39.3701 inches

Meters to Feet and Inches Conversion Chart