Area in Square Units

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What is an area?

Area is the size of a surface or the amount of surface covered.
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1. Falaq makes the following figures using identical square tiles.
What is the area of each figure?
Which two figures have the same area?

model diagram
Figure A is made up of 9 square tiles. Its area is 9 tiles.
Figure B is made up of 10 square tiles. Its area is 10 tiles.
Figure C is made up of 10 square tiles. Its area is 10 tiles.

Figure B and Figure C are made up of 10 tiles each.
They have the same area.
Two different shapes can have the same area if they use the same number of tiles.

2. What is the area of the shaded figure below?

model diagram
The shaded figure above is made up of 7 square units.
Its area is 7 square units.

3. Find the area of the shaded figure below.

model diagram
The figure above is made up of squares and half-squares.
There are 8 squares.
There are 2 half-squares.
The area of the shaded figure is 9 square units.