Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
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Chapter 1: Whole Numbers
1.1 Numbers up to 1000 000
1.2 Figures to Words up to 1000 000
1.3 Words to Figures up to 1000 000
1.4 Comparing and Ordering
1.5 Number Patterns
1.7 Approximation and Estimation
1.8 Multiply
1.9 Divide
1.10 Order Of Operations
1.11 Word Problems
Chapter 2: Fractions
2.1 Comparing Unlike Fraction - 1
2.2 Comapring Unlike Fraction - 2
2.3 Adding Proper Fractions
2.4 Subtracting Proper Fractions
2.5 Adding Mixed Fractions
2.6 Subtracting Mixed Fractions
2.7 Multiplying Proper and Improper Fractions
2.8 Multiplying Mixed Fraction by Whole Number
2.9 Dividing Proper Frction by Whole Number
2.10 Concept of Fraction as Division
2.11 Fractions and Decimals
2.12 Word Problems
Chapter 3: Decimals
3.1 Multiply
3.2 Divide
3.3 Rounding Off
3.4 Estimation of Values
3.5 Word Problems
Chapter 4: Percentage
4.1 Express as Percentage
4.2 Express Percentage as Decimal
4.3 Express Percentage as Fraction
4.4 Word Problems
Chapter 5: Data Analysis
5.1 Finding the Average
5.2 Finding the Total
5.3 Word Problems
Chapter 6: Geometry
6.1 Angles
6.2 Types of Triangles
6.3 Angle Sum of Triangles
6.4 Properties of Triangles
6.5 Triangles - Finding Unknown Angles
6.6 Drawing Triangles - 1
6.7 Drawing Triangles - 2
6.8 Drawing Triangles - 3
6.9 Four Sided Figures - Types and Properties
6.10 4-Sided Figures: Finding Unknown Angles - 1
6.11 4-Sided Figures: Finding Unknown Angles - 2
6.12 4-Sided Figures: Finding Unknown Angles - 3
6.13 Drawing a Parallelogram
6.14 Drawing a Rhombus
6.15 Drawing a Trapezium
Chapter 7: Measurement
7.1 Conversion Of Units
7.2 Triangle Base and Height
7.3 Area of Triangle
7.4 Volume of Cubes and Cuboid - 1
7.5 Volume of Cubes and Cuboid - 2
7.6 Volume of Cubes and Cuboid - 3
7.7 Word Problems
Chapter 8: Ratio
8.1 Introduction to Ratios
8.2 Equivalent Ratios
8.3 Simplifying Ratios
8.4 Finding the Missing Number
8.5 Word Problems